5대호 중에서 이리호(湖)와 온타리오호로 통하는 나이아가라강에 있다. 폭포는 하중도(河中島)인 고트섬(미국령) 때문에 크게 두 줄기로 갈린다. 고트섬과 캐나다의 온타리오주와의 사이에 있는 폭포는 호스슈(말발굽) 폭포, 또는 캐나다 폭포라고도 하며 높이 48m, 너비 900m에 이르는 것으로, 중앙을 국경선이 통과하고 있다. 고트섬 북동쪽의 미국 폭포는 높이 51m, 너비 320m에 이른다. 나이아가라 강물의 94%는 호스슈 폭포로 흘러내린다.
나이아가라 폭포는 나이아가라케스타에 걸려 있으며, 예로부터 인디언들에게는 잘 알려져 있었으나 백인에게 발견된 것은 1678년 프랑스의 선교사 헤네핑에 의해서였다. 신대륙의 대자연을 상징하는 대표적인 것으로 선전되어 전세계에 알려지게 되었다. 한때 세계 제1의 폭포라고 하였으나, 그후 이과수 폭포와 빅토리아 폭포가 세상에 알려져 현재는 북아메리카 제1의 폭포로 일컬어지고 있다.
폭포가 걸려 있는 케스타 벼랑은 상부가 굳은 석회암으로 이루어져 있고 하부는 비교적 연한 이판암(泥板岩)과 사암으로 구성되어 있다. 폭포의 물이 떨어질 때 벼랑 하부의 연층을 후벼내듯이 침식하기 때문에, 돌출한 듯 남아 있는 상부의 석회층도 허물어져 떨어지게 된다. 이 때문에 벼랑은 해마다 0.7∼1.1m 정도 후퇴하고 있었는데, 이후 거대한 발전소를 건설하여 수량을 조절하자 벼랑의 붕괴가 약화되어, 결과적으로 폭포의 수명이 길어질 것으로 추측된다.
폭포의 주변은 경치가 아름다워 공원화되어 있으며, 교통과 관광시설이 정비되어 있어 세계 각국으로부터 관광객이 많이 찾아들고 있다. 양쪽에는 나이아가라폴스라고 하는 같은 이름의 2개 도시가 마주 대하고 있다. 이 폭포에 관한 자료는 나이아가라박물관에 보존 ·전시되어 있다.
The Discovery of Niagara Falls
Father Louis Hennepin
The first eye-witness description of Niagara Falls was written by Father Louis Hennepin, a Recollect priest from the Spanish Netherlands, was the first white man to visit the Falls of Niagara in the winter of 1678-1679.
In 1683, Father Hennepin's account of his visit was published in "Description de la Louisiane". This similar account was again published in 1697 in Hennepin's own book entitled "Novelle decouverte d'un tres grand pays situe´ dans l'Amerique" which was published at Utrecht with dedication to William III of England.
The first English translation was published in England in 1698.
Hennepin gave this brief account:
"...four leagues from Lake Frontenac there is an incredible Cataract of water-fall which has no equal.."
"....Betwixt the Lake Ontario and Erie`, there is a vast and prodigious Cadence of Water which falls down after a surprizing and astonishing manner, insomuch that the Universe does not afford it's parallel. Tis true, Italy and Suedland boast some such Things; but we may well say they are but soory Patterns, when compar'd to this of which we now speak. At the foot of this horrible Precipice, we meet with the River Niagara, which is not above a quarter of a League broad, but is wonderfully deep in some places. It is so rapid above this Descent, that it violently hurries down the wild Beasts while endeavouring to pass it to feed on the other side, they not being able to withstand the force of its Current, which inevitably casts them above Six hundred foot high...."
"....'This wonderful Downfal, is compounded of two great Cross-streams of Water, and two Falls, with an Isle sloping along the middle of it. the Waters which fall from this horrible Precipice, do foam and boyl after the most hideous manner imaginable, making an outrageous Noise, more terrible than that of Thunder; for when the Wind blows out of the South, their dismal roaring may be heard more than Fifteen Leagues off...."
"....'The River Niagara having thrown itself down this incredible Precipice, continues its impetuous course for two Leagues together, to the great Rock above-mention'd [Queenston Heights], with an inexpressible rapidity: But having past that, its impetuosity relents, gliding along more gently for two other Leagues, till it arrive at Lake Frontenac (Lake Ontario)...."
Louis Hennepin, baptized Antoine, (12 May 1626 – c. 1705) was a Catholic priest and missionary of the Franciscan Recollect order (French: Récollet) and an explorer of the interior of North America.
Hennepin was born in Ath, province of Hainaut, Belgium, but became a Frenchman in 1659, when Béthune, the town where he lived, was captured by the army of Louis XIV of France
At the request of Louis XIV the Récollets sent four missionaries to New France in May 1675, including Hennepin, accompanied by René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle. In 1678 Hennepin was ordered by his provincial superior to accompany La Salle on a voyage to explore the western part of New France.
Two great waterfalls were brought to the world's attention by Louis Hennepin: Niagara Falls, with the most voluminous flow of any in North America, and the Saint Anthony Falls in what is now Minneapolis, the only waterfall on the Mississippi River.
Hennepin is the author of Description de la Louisiane (Paris, 1683), Nouvelle découverte d'un très grand pays situé dans l'Amérique entre le Nouveau-Mexique et la mer glaciale (Utrecht, 1697), and Nouveau voyage d'un pars plus grand que l'Europe (Utrecht, 1698). The truth of much of Hennepin's accounts has been called into question — or flatly denied — notably by the American historian Francis Parkman. In the words of the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia:
Hennepin has been denounced by many historians and historical critics as an arrant falsifier. Certain writers have sought to repel this charge by claiming that the erroneous statements are in fact interpolations by other persons. The weight of the evidence is however adverse to such a theory.
Hennepin County, Minnesota, whose seat is Minneapolis, is named after him, as is a street, Hennepin Avenue, in Minneapolis. Also named after him is Father Hennepin State Park, in central Minnesota.
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