
Guide for Master of Ceremonies * 영어회의(의식행사)

marineset 2008. 3. 4. 12:28

Guide for Master of Ceremonies

미국 재향군인회행사

Program Activity Comment(s)/Suggested Wording

Call to order 개회선언

May I have your attention, please? (...pause...)

Entrance of Distinguished Guests 내빈입장

Distinguished Guests may be escorted into the function room.  As a minimum, the single Honored Guest should be escorted into the hall at the beginning of the event.  Please rise for the entrance of  (name, title), escorted by (name, title).  Announce each escorted guest this way, and/or then introduce the guest of honor ...Let us welcome our Honored Guest for this evening, (name, title), escorted by (name, title).

Salute Colors(if colors are in place, not to be posted). 국기에 대한 경례

Please rise to salute the Colors of our Nation. (...pause...)  Right hand salute! (...pause...) Ready, two.

Posting Colors 국기계양

Please rise for the posting of our Nation's Colors. (...pause...)   As Colors approach..Right hand salute!   Color Guard Commander will ask for permission to post colors - response Sergeant, post the Colors!  Hold salute until Colors are posted, then Ready Two!  Allow Color Guard time to leave.

Invocation 묵념

We will have the Invocation delivered by ( name), Chaplain of (______).  Please uncover.  After Invocation is delivered...Thank You (________)

Pledge of Allegiance * 한국의 '국기에 대한 맹세'

충성의 맹세(“I pledge allegiance to the flag”로 시작되는 미국민의 국기에 대한 서약).

With your hat over your heart, please recite with me the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag.  Recite Pledge slowly.
[I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all]

National Anthem (if used) 국가제창

Please join ( ______ ) in the singing of of National Anthem, the Star Spangled Banner.  If you sing along, please place your hat over your heart.  If you do not sing, please render a hand salute at this time.  National Anthem

POW/MIA Service (if used) 전쟁포로/실종자 회고

MC may conduct POW/MIA Memorial Service or it may be conducted by another.  Please be seated while we conduct a service of remembrance for our POW's and MIA's.  In this somber moment, let us reflect upon their plight and the plight of their loved ones.  Optional, if service is led by  someone other than the MC...This Service will be conducted by ( name, title).  Conduct Service , see POW/MIA Remembrance Service.

Welcome 환영사

Appropriate brief welcoming remarks by MC

Introduction of Head Table 단상에 있는 내빈소개

Brief introduction of Head Table, names and titles/positions only.  We are pleased to have with us tonight several distinguished guests seated at our Head Table.  Begin at far left of speaker...At my far left we have (1,2,3,4, etc).  Then introduce head table from speaker's right..Starting at my far right, we pleased to have with us ( etc.)

Dinner 만찬

Thanks you.  Please enjoy your dinner.  Optional - you may wish to remind male Legionnaires that they should uncover during the meal.

Introduction of Distinguished Guests 내빈소개(단상에 없던)

Brief introductions of those seated at Distinguished Guests Table(s), such as spouses not seated at Head Table, Guests not participating in the program, etc.  May I have your attention, Please? We have several Distinguished Guests with us tonight.  I ask that you please stand when I announce your name.  Optional, depending upon the number of Distinguished Guests to be introduced...Please hold any applause until all of our Distinguished Guests have been introduced.  Introduce Distinguished Guests.

Welcoming Remarks by Post/County Commander or local dignitary (if any) 축사

MC will introduce Post or County Commander and/or local dignitary for brief welcoming remarks.  We are pleased to have with us this evening (name/title) who will offer welcoming remarks.   Similar introduction for any other speakers.Thank you, (name).

S.A.L.(Sons of the American Legion)  Detachment Commander Remarks (if applicable)
재향군인회지부장 인사말
MC will introduce S.A.L.   Detachment Commander if remarks are to be delivered.  After S.A.L. Commander's remarks, Thank you, (name).

County Auxiliary President Introduction of District President (if Applicable)

MC will introduce County Auxiliary President who will, in turn, introduce District President.  We are pleased to recognize (       ), President of the (     ) County American Legion Auxiliary.  County President introduces District President
District Auxiliary Pres.  Introduction of Department President
District Auxiliary President introduces Department President.
Department Auxiliary President's Address (if Applicable)
County Commander - Introductions of District Commander (if Applicable)

MC will introduce County Commander who will, in turn introduce District Commander.  We are pleased to recognize (         ), Commander of (        ) County
District Commander Introduction of Department Vice Commander (if Applicable)
District Commander introduces Department Vice Commander
Department Vice Commander - Introduction of Department Commander (if Applicable)
Department Vice Commander introduces Department Commander.
Department Commander
If this is a Department Commander's visitation, Department Commander will make address here.  If this ia a National Commander's visitation, Department Commander will make a speech of introduction for National Commander.

National Commander's Address (if Applicable) 재향군인회장 치사

Address by National Commander.   Then , MC assumes the podium. Thank you,  (National Commander, Name)

Presentation of gifts (if Applicable) 선물증정

If gifts are presented during the function, the order of presentation is: S.A.L. Detachment Commander, Department Auxiliary President, Department Commander, and/or National Commander.
Please stand and uncover for the Benediction to be delivered by (name).  Benediction.  Thank you, (name)
Salute Colors (if Colors have not been posted)
Please cover and remain standing as we salute the Colors of our Nation.  (...pause) Hand Salute! (...pause...) Ready, Two!

Retiring of Colors (if Colors have been posted) 국기하강

Please cover and remain standing as we retire our Nation's Colors.  Color Guard Commander will ask for permission to retire the colors.  Sergeant, retire the Colors of our Nation!  Hand salute! Remain at hand salute until colors leave the room.   Ready Two!
"God Bless American"
Traditional Singing of "God Bless America"  Please remain standing and join hands for the singing of "God Bless America".

Closing 폐회

This concludes our program for this evening.  Thank you for joining us tonight.  May add remarks about post-event activities, thank-you for participants, a reminder to drive hone safely and sober, etc.



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