1. Call to Order: 개회선언
Chair: “The meeting will come to order.”
2. Opening: 묵념/국기의례
(Invocation – Flag Ceremony)
3. Reading and Approval of Minutes: 회의록 낭독 및 인준
Chair: “The secretary will read the minutes of the regular meeting of
__________.” **If minutes have been circulated, the actual reading of the
minutes can be omitted and the minutes can be acted upon as
circulated.** (If corrections are in order, the Chair would say: “The
secretary will make the correction. Are there others? The minutes are
approved as corrected.”)
4. Reports of Officers, and Standing Committees: 임원 및 상임위원회 보고사항
a. Reports of Officers – call in order as listed in the bylaws.
b. Reports of Standing Committees – call in order as listed in the bylaws.
5. Reports of Special Committees:
Called in order of appointment.
6. Unfinished Business:
Questions coming over from previous meeting by:
a. Failure to complete the Order of Business.
b. Postponement: Chair, after consulting with secretary, should know if
there is unfinished business and calls for it only if there is business in
this class.
7. New Business:
a. Correspondence requiring action is ready by secretary.
b. Members may introduce new items.
c. Questions placed on the table at previous meeting or earlier from
present meeting may be placed on the table.
8. Program:
Chair: “The program committee will now present the program.” At the
conclusion of the program, the one presenting the program says: “This
concludes the program.”
9. Announcements:
Chair: “Are there any announcements?”
10.Adjournment: 휴회
Chair: “Is there further business? Since there is no further business the
meeting is adjourned.”
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